Monday, September 30, 2013


It's been a long last couple of weeks, so I apologize for not blogging recently.

Rogue has had free roam of the house now that her house breaking is coming along well.  We've had a few accidents, but overall she is doing great!  We do close all bedroom doors, which really cuts down on the need to search the entire house when we get home looking for accidents.

You've read some of the blog posts about dragging bags of sugar all over the house, or eating the molding of the bathroom door, but those have slowed as well...mainly because Rogue has trained US not to leave those things out.

One thing we struggle with is her curiosity.  She has to be able to see everything.

In the living room, under the windows facing the road, we have a table.  On the table are pictures of family and a lamp.  Almost every time we come home that table has all of its contents knocked over and on the floor.  Rogue jumps up on the table so she can see out the window.

Now, this is getting frustrating.  I've replaced, I believe, 9 light bulbs now and still have broken light bulb shards in the carpet (found another one last night).  For the first time, Rogue did this in front of us the other night.  Unfortunately she got a very loud NO as soon as she did it and realized that it was wrong.  The problem is, we never see her do this, so it is tough to discipline her for something potentially hours after she did it.  I was somewhat happy I got to witness this so she got to experience that this action was not acceptable.

Of course, the next day things were knocked over again.

I sit in the living room sometimes, thinking of ways to correct this.  Should I put a coat of wax on the table and buff it until it is slick as ice?  Well, that would potentially cause her to get hurt and also likely slide into my TV which is next to the table.  Light bulbs aren't expensive, new TVs are.

I'm still stumped on how to correct this.  She knows she shouldn't do it.  I've even gone outside to the front of the house when I was leaving and waited, to see if she'd jump up...and she doesn't.  She waits until we are gone.  She's a sneaky dog.

When I stop home for lunch, I will post a follow-up photo to show what, if any, damage she caused.

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