Friday, September 6, 2013

A Dogs Life...

Rogue has been with us for about month now.  It sure seems longer, like she's been a part of the family forever.

Rogue really has two lives.  Since Mom and Dad are divorced, one week she is left with just Dad and Jodi, and the other week, chaos reigns with all of the kids at home, four of them!

So, what is it like for Rogue?  Let me see if I can explain...

When the kids are not home, Rogue sleeps in my room, usually with Ike.  Honestly, there are lots of time I fall asleep in the recliner in the living room and she sleeps on the floor by my feet.  Usually, at some point in the night, she climbs up on the couch and sleeps.

First thing in the morning we go outside.  Rogue has the bathroom thing down, knows exactly where to go and has figured out that when I say "hurry up" it means go behind the garage, do your thing, and then come sit by the backdoor.  The only struggle yet is with her intense chase drive.  Mornings are the time this is most likely to happen...just ask the rabbits and squirrels in my neighborhood who are probably still hyper-ventilating.  She does stop when I call her and comes right back.

Then, its a pretty lonely day.  Often times Jodi, who works nights at the Hospital, is there to sleep before the next day of work and Rogue can hang out with her.  Other times, Rogue and Ike are on their own.  You've seen the images of the destruction of her kennel (in the garbage this week), so we have been letting her have free roam and, so far, she has done well.

Then, I come home and it is a little play time and then relaxing with news, a beer (put the bottle up...she apparently likes beer and will stick her tongue down the bottle) and then bedtime.

Now, when the kids are there, it's a different life.

Bathroom in the morning....lots of commotion getting ready for school.  A day of solitude and then a combination of excitement, terror and hilarity once the kids come home.

Every day is different.  We might have a bon fire, we might watch a movie, we could go someplace.  No matter what, the activity level is much higher and Rogue is clearly more tired at night...and so am I!

Last night, after a night on the deck grilling out and having a fire, I found Rogue exhausted and sleeping in the living room.  I'm not sure what wore her out more, the exercise or the embarrassment of what Gracie did to her.  As you can see in the photo below, Rogue gets very different attention when the kids are home.  I never play dress-up with her....well, almost never. :-)

Apparently, nail painting is on the agenda for the weekend.  My response to that:  "Whatever, just do it outside".  We'll see what Rogue's response is...

It was even funnier with the matching hat on her head...

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