Wednesday, September 18, 2013

In Between the Craziness

I've had a lot of people mention the article in the Marshfield News herald, and I really appreciate all of the additional traffic to this blog!

One of the things someone said to me was: "It sounds like she is a handful!".

Well, reading through my blog posts, I guess you could get that opinion.  The things that tend to standout day in and day out, especially at first, are the bad things.  Those are the things I have focused on.  It's probably time that I talked about the time in between these moments of insanity.

I have blogged about bathroom trim being eaten, metal kennels being chewed apart, sugar being dragged all over the house and running up the mileage on my carpet shampooer; but I hope to encourage more people to adopt pets from a I want to focus on the good too!

The issues I have blogged about are not unique to rescues.  My Lab, Ike, was a pill when we fist got him.  In fact, he might have been more work because he was a puppy and puppies don't just need training, they need time to mature.  Everything that Rogue has done, Ike did as well...except the sugar thing, that is unique to Rogue.

In between all of these little pitfalls, there are tons of fun experiences that make it all worthwhile.

Last night we had a pretty loud thunderstorm come through.  Some of the loudest thunder I have heard in a while!  About 1/2 second after the first clap of thunder, I had Rogue sitting on my head, shaking.  I'm pretty sure she went from a dead sleep on the floor to airborne in under a second.

Rogue likes to get as close to you as possible.  We let her on the couch now, and she will lay right next to you, with her head on your chest, and her nose right below your chin.  Then she starts to creep up.  She will get as close to you as possible.  She's slept the entire night in my recliner with me.

When teaching Rogue to sit, she had a tough time connecting the mechanics with the command.  She knew the command meant that she needed to lower part of her body...but made some of the weirdest moves I've ever seen.  Many times we had to stop training while we all laughed at Rogue.

Then there are the kids.  Gracie has really gotten attached to Rogue. In fact, even the tough teenager, Brianna, has ben caught cuddling with Rogue.  She has a contagious personality.

Last evening, as we were getting ready for supper, I found Rogue with pink painted toe-nails.

All the carpet shampooer, wasted sugar and trim replacement is worth seeing a happy dog and happy kids.

And to think this dog was left in a ditch with puppies.  What a tragedy.  I'm glad we found her.

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