Wednesday, August 7, 2013

A Mix of What?

Rogue is was a stray, so we know very little about her.

The vet at the shelter listed her as a Lab Mix.  Since Labs are so common, it seems most dogs end up being a lab mix.

Based on what we saw at the kennels, it appears that the most common mixes were Labs, Pits, Australian Shepard's, Blue Heelers and Jack Russell Terriers, at least at CCHS

The more I looked at Rogue, the more I saw some Jack Russell in her.  I found some pictures of Labs mixed with Jack Russell's.  This would also explain her bursts of insane energy!  What do you think?

Goofy look and sprawled everywhere...just like Rogue
This guy even looks like Rogue!


1 comment:

  1. She's probably far more than just Lab and Jack Russell, but these seem to be the two most prevalent breeds.

